PiCA Prüfinstitut Chemische Analytik GmbH possesses the impartiality, independence and integrity required by DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. The activities of our laboratory are carried out impartially and are structured and managed in such a way that impartiality is ensured.
The management of the laboratory assures that
- any influence of outside persons or organisations on the examination and test results is excluded,
- the company and its personnel are free from any commercial, financial and other influences that could affect their technical judgement,
- the company does not engage in activities that could compromise confidence in the independence of judgement and integrity with respect to its audit work.
The handling of confidential information and proprietary rights of clients is regulated. This also refers to the electronic storage and transmission of results. If client information is published, the client is informed in advance. Order details and their information are kept confidential internally. If we are required by law or authorised by contract to disclose confidential information, the client or person concerned will be informed of the information provided, unless prohibited by law. Sources of information will only be named to the client after the source has consented. Information about clients that comes from sources other than the client (e.g. complainants, regulators) will be kept confidential between the client and our laboratory. The source of information will be kept confidential. This source of information may not be communicated without their consent. Staff, stakeholders, contractors, staff from external agencies or third parties acting on our behalf shall keep confidential all information received or created during the performance of the activities.
Philosophy / Company objectives
PiCA Prüfinstitut Chemische Analytik GmbH is an independent, private provider of laboratory services with its main focus on the analysis of organic residuals.
Our highly qualified staff members have at their disposal modern equipment with innovative analysis technology, allowing them to handle even complex analytic assignments quickly and reliably.
The scope of analyses is determined by your requirements. We test and monitor individually and according to your specifications, thus providing you with optimal solutions to your questions.
Our main services are
- Product analysis
- Indoor space analysis
- Environmental analysis
- Special analytics
- Research
- Expert Reports Opinions
In our opinion, individual, competent consulting services and the confidential handling of assignments are the basis of a mutually beneficial co-operation.
Quality management
The structure and work processes in the company are organised in such a way that the requirements of DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025 are observed and fulfilled. The quality management system of PiCA Prüfinstitut Chemische Analytik GmbH is monitored systematically and regularly in order to ensure the permanent effectiveness of the processes and the introduction of necessary corrective measures. In order to achieve the quality objectives, a working attitude is developed and maintained in which not only errors but also possible errors are recognised and eliminated at an early stage. Measures to deal with risks and opportunities are derived and their effectiveness considered.
Risk management
By identifying risks and opportunities, comprehensive know-how can be achieved in PiCA Prüfinstitut Chemische Analytik GmbH, with which planning reliability can be optimised and opportunities actively implemented. A balanced relationship between identified risks and opportunities not only creates a positive corporate culture, but also supports the consistent quality of the services provided. Risk management is a systematic process for assessing, controlling, communicating and reviewing risks.
It can be applied proactively or retrospectively and should ensure the following:
- Assessment of the risk is based on scientific knowledge and experience with the process.
- Effort, formalities and documentation of the risk management process are appropriate to the level of risk.
Client satisfaction
Our clients are our highest priority. We are therefore in a position to offer our clients individual solutions. The goal of lasting customer satisfaction can only be achieved if PiCA Prüfinstitut Chemische Analytik GmbH offers services that fully meet the actual needs and expectations of the customers.
Continuous improvement
Through the continuous improvement process, measures are derived to increase our quality. All organisational and laboratory processes are continuously reviewed with the aim of reducing possible errors and increasing efficiency in order to continue to meet the ever-increasing market requirements in the future and to set ourselves apart from our competitors.
Our employees are our greatest asset. The sense of responsibility of each individual is constantly encouraged. One of our most important tasks is to further develop the skills and know-how as well as the quality awareness of our employees through regular training.