Undesirable substances get into the ground and surface waters in several ways. Sewage mostly contains significantly increased levels of critical compounds.
PiCA Prüfinstitut Chemische Analytik GmbH analyses fresh water, ground water, surface water, sewage, and process water. Our main focus in this area is on the analytic support in the clean-up of pre-existing contamination and on monitoring programmes. A thorough analysis clearly shows what shares of undesirable compounds the water contains.
In the process, we also give you support in the determination of parameters, a service that is often not included in the range of services provided by routine laboratories.
PiCA Prüfinstitut Chemische Analytik GmbH tests water for the presence of
- phenols (alkylphenols, chlorophenols, nitrophenols, alkylphenol ethoxylates etc.)
- plasticisers
- poly-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)
- organotin compounds
- musk compounds
- pesticides
- aromatic and alipathic amines
- persistent organochlorides (PCB, PCT, chlorinated paraffins)
- sulfur compounds (thioethers, mercaptans etc.)
- NSO-heterocycles
- preservatives (isothiazolinones, formaldehyde, benzalkonium chloride etc.)
- VOC (BTEX, CFC, alcohols etc.)
- organic acids
- halogenated acids (dalapon, chloroacetic acid etc.)